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It is scientifically documented that meditation has shown to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps us cultivate a state of restful alertness so that we are able to effectively deal with uncertainties of life.


This 2-part workshop provides a wonderful platform to learn the basics of meditation.  Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, equip yourself with the tools required to build your own meditation practice. 


What to expect :

  • What is meditation     

  • Benefits of meditation

  • Setting up a home practice                      

  • Obstacles to meditation

  • Tips to establish a practice on your own

  • Exercises for developing concentration

  • Sneak-peak into eight limbs of Yoga

Thursday May 2nd & May 9th

7pm Investment $40 per class

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***Please note due to limited space refunds are not given unless cancellation is received via email 2 weeks prior to class date 

* Refunds will be minus the PayPal fee

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Once registered complete form below

***Please note due to limited space refunds are not given unless cancellation is received via email 2 weeks prior to class date 

* Refunds will be minus the PayPal fee

Start an in-depth journey to discovering the true-SELF through techniques




Pranayama & Mantra Meditation form an integral component of Yogic tradition practiced for thousands of years bringing healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening.


Developing a daily practice of yogic breathing taps into the life-force (Prana) as a way of controlling the mind. Through specific breathing techniques, the mind becomes one-pointed(Ekagra) so that one can progress easily into meditation while Mantra takes us a step ahead by helping us enter more indistinct and abstract levels of awareness from where we can easily slip into the GAP- where our TRUE-SELF resides. 

This is the realm of infinite peace, unbounded joy,and infinite bliss.

● Learn tangible practices rooted in VEDIC wisdom traditions of India practiced for thousands of years.
● Work directly on the patterns of the subconscious mind, altering impulses, habits, & afflictions.
● Awaken body’s own inner-intelligence establishing a connection with the SELF- A space of heightened awareness.
● Go beyond the mind’s busy activity & emotional turbulence into profound peace & stillness.

Pranayama is a sanskrit word derived from two root words- Prana & Yama. Prana refers to life-force or vital-energy and Yama means to control or to regulate.  Knowledge and control of Prana is called Pranayama. The main purpose of pranayama is to gain control over the Autonomic Nervous system. Our Autonomic Nervous System comprises the Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous system.


Pranayama helps control the sympathetic Nervous System thereby controlling fight & flight response and activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System which is responsible for rest and digest thereby bringing our Mind-Body system back in balance and restoring homeostasis. The side-effects include : strengthening of our respiratory system, increased lung capacity, & improved breathing patterns.


 Controlling the mind is not possible without controlling the breath as the two are intimately connected. We can easily see this connection by observing our breath. When the mind is affected by negative emotions, our breath becomes irregular and unsteady. Alternatively, when our mind is relaxed, peaceful, and steady our breath also becomes slow, soft, and smooth. This observation strongly indicates how our mind and breathing are intimately connected. Pranayama is a science which helps regulate the prana or vital-energy through the regulation of breath.



A mantra is a specific sound or vibration—which when repeated silently—

helps you to enter deeper levels of awareness.

A Sanskrit term that translates as "vehicle of the mind," a mantra truly is a vehicle that takes you into quieter, more peaceful levels of the mind. When you silently repeat your mantra in meditation,it creates a vibration that helps you slip into the space between your thoughts, aka “the gap,”  in order to help you quiet your mind,  look past fear and anxiety, and to react from a place of stillness and calm. 


For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the mind's busy activity into profound peace and pure-awareness of the TRUE- SELF. In the age of digital devices, social media, and busy schedules, the restful awareness we experience during meditation is more valuable than ever. Physiologically, our breathing slows, blood pressure decreases, and stress hormone levels fall when we meditate. Mentally, we become more focused, efficient, and less reactive. Spiritually, we become Enlightened. 


In a nutshell, Meditation is the most direct way to experience inner silence and well-being.


Unlock the power of PERSONAL MANTRA for you!!

Receive your Personal Mantra and learn the foundations of Primordial Sound Meditation, a signature program offered by CHOPRA CENTER.


Primordial Sound Meditation aka PSM is a powerful mantra based healing practice relying on personalized mantras ROOTED IN VEDIC TRADITIONS OF INDIA practiced for thousands of years that allows you to experience inner-calm and deep relaxation. PSM uses individually selected sounds of nature called MANTRAS based on the vibrations the unverse was creating at the moment of your birth using

VEDIC mathematical formula.

Mantra is a Sanskrit word which means - instrument of the mind-used

to disconnect us from the activity of the world.


Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation on a daily basis can help you to:

Manage stress & reduce anxiety

Improve your relationships

Create inner peace

Lower your blood pressure

Improve your sleep patterns

Connect to your spirit & more deeply to your soul


Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction - 4 Sessions

3 Classes 75-90 minutes each Plus ONE PRIVATE MANTRA SESSION (40mins)

Class 1: Wednesday, June 19th 7pm

You will learn the basic principles of meditation, its history,

and the importance of your mantra.

Class 2: Thursday June 20th or Saturday, June 22nd by appointment

You will receive your Personal Mantra in a one-on-one ceremony

Class 3: Wednesday, June 26th 7pm

You will learn the practical aspects of meditation

Class 4: Saturday, June 29th 1pm

You will learn about the higher states of consciousness

Personal Mantra .png
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***Please note due to limited space refunds are not given unless cancellation is received via email 2 weeks prior to class date 

* Refunds will be minus the PayPal fee


Born and brought up in a traditional Indian family, my spiritual journey began pretty early. However, my professional journey began in 2017 when I went to Kerala, India for my Yoga teachers training course from Sivananda Yoga & Vedanta Center. I taught in Sivananda Yoga Center New-Delhi for four years. I had the privilege of taking many Vedanta workshops offered at Sivananda Center Delhi during my serving years. I also took various workshops in Neuro Linguistic Programming which helped me understand Mind-Body mechanics in depth. I shifted to the U.S.A in 2020 and continued serving in Sivananda Center, New-York. Shifting to the U.S.A in the midst of covid was a huge pivoting point in my life. When the whole world was at a stand-still I had a calling to become a MEDITATION teacher. I honored my intuition and got certified as a Meditation with Chopra Center in 2021. Since then, I have taught many people how to manage stress using these miraculous practices of Breathing & Meditation.

With consistent self-effort, I was able to embrace all these teachings gracefully into my own life.

My work is a cumulative assemblage of what I have learnt on my own journey.

It is both my purpose(DHARMA) and passion to share these teachings with whoever wants to live in
harmony with their own core-essence, paving the path for a more peaceful, joyous, and
purposeful life. I truly believe, we already have what we are looking for in the outside world. All
we need to do is .......TURN WITHIN.










It’s never been easier to learn foundations and techniques of Mindfulness and Meditation........
Get ready to unlock more peace and joy in your life...

MEDITATION is a tool for rediscovering the body's inner-intelligence. Having a daily
meditation practice is an ideal step for beginning your journey to WELL-BEING &
TRANSFORMATION. Whether you want to reduce stress, take care of your mind-body health,
enhance focus, improve your relationships, or want to advance on your spiritual journey,
Meditation offers you the tools needed to reach your goals.

Preety is a Meditation instructor trained from the prestigious CHOPRA CENTER, one of the
pioneers in the Mind-Body field. She is a Sivananda yoga instructor and a Master Nlp
practitioner. Calling her life a Roller coaster ride, back in time, her days were full of
chronic worry & stress. With the miraculous practice of Meditation, she was able to
release her stress and live from a space of centered calmness enjoying every moment of the
ride. Since then, she has successfully guided many people to live their lives with effortless-ease
through starting a simple daily Meditation practice.

She teaches Meditation in a way that is easy to understand regardless of the stage of your
practice. She has curated a tool box of yogic and neuro-linguistic techniques to guide
you into the resources you need to start your own daily Self-Care Practice of Meditation.
It is her Life-purpose and Mission- DHARMA to share these timeless practices of Meditation &
Mindfulness. She sincerely believes that well-being should be accessible to all and there
is a path to “LIVING light ”.

You can reach and access health, happiness, and harmony in
a one-on-one private meditation session with Preety

60- minute Meditation and Yogic Breathwork
Energy exchange: $123

45-Minute Meditation and Yogic Breathwork
Energy exchange:: $77


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***Please note due to limited space refunds are not given unless cancellation is received via email 2 weeks prior to class date 

* Refunds will be minus the PayPal fee

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