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Time to Restore
Balance and Harmony

Balance Your Energy

       Balance Your Life

            at Long Island Healing Arts & Learning Center


Reiki is both powerful and gentle and has aided healing many illnesses and injuries including cancer, heart disease, broken bones, headaches, colds, insomnia, fatigue, cuts and bruises. Clients are fully clothed as Reiki energy is given by thelaying-on of hands, either directly on or

off the body.

A standard session includes positions around the head, shoulders, stomach and feet.

The entire session may last about 50 minutes and is deeply relaxing and includes

many beneficial affects for both client and practitioner. Learn More >


Crystals are used to enhance and balance the body's energy system.They amplify, transform and transmit energy, thus using crystals intensifies

Reiki energy and enhances the level of healing.

Crystals are placed on and around your body and/or you may be asked to hold a crystal.

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This Heavenly Healing Technique Provides Optimum Health and Well-Being Along with the Beautiful Healing Energy of Reiki.
The Raindrop Technique provides a deeply healing, relaxing experience enabling one to find inner peace bringing the body into physical, emotional and spiritual harmony where healing can occur.

It is a spiritually based application technique approach designed to strengthen the spiritual connection of the body-mind to the infinite source of all that is good and true and kind and loving.
Nine pure essential oils are used as *raindrops* from six inches above the surface of the back. The Young Living Essential Oils are then gently feathered onto the spine with the Lakota "feathering motion" as they are used as blessed gifts to support our frequency, our desire to live in a peaceful state of mind, where our thoughts are positive, as we seek solutions rather than being stopped by obstacles. We believe that essential oils support our lives and that a holistic lifestyle promotes wellness for us, and the planet. As we develop our intuition, we can assist everyone to trust themselves to use essential oils that bring about their reconnection to all that truly matters. Learn More >



There are two Reiki Master Practitioners working on a client at the same time, covering the entire body with the Reiki hand positions. Treatments done in this fashion often create profound balancing effects harmonizing the yin and yang sides of the body at the same time. Having a pair of Reiki Practitioners allows us to use a "mirroring" technique as we give Reiki across from each other.

For example; shoulders, arms, legs, knees, feet, etc receive Reiki simultaneously which allows balance to occur more naturally. Learn More >



This most amazing session balances, harmonizes and restores the energy flow throughout the body. In this session the Clients lie fully clothed on a massage table as the aura is scanned and then chakras are cleared using our Reiki hands, a crystal pendulum, a tuning forks and additional crystals as needed. The session is about an hour.

Clients will leave with their chakras balanced as well as the body, mind and spirit. In this health and promotes psychological well-being harmonious state the intuition center is awakened and clients are advised to listen to the wisdom of their own soul, heart and higher mind. It is then up to individuals to eat healthy, drink water and have right actions and thoughts to maintain this state mind.

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The surgical experience need not be filled with fear and worry Administering Reiki prior to surgery can be helpful to the person (or animal) by preparing his or her mind/body for the procedure. Reiki works with the natural healing process of the body. Since Reiki is a balancing and harmonizing energy, It helps to release stress and tension and places the body in its optimal state for healing.
Number of sessions depends on the amount of time prior to surgery date. The ideal amount of time to prepare is 4-6weeks with a session each week
A meditation will available to you to listen to prior to surgery.


A Karuna Reiki Session includes additional chanting and additional symbols to a standard Reiki Session. Karuna Reiki works more deeply on Karmic issues, deeply on abuse issues of all kinds, habits/addictions, mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse issues, helps to become better grounded and prepared for any upcoming tests/procedures.

This is a deep Reiki Session used for those in real pain and darkness.


A Womb Blessings session raises a woman's vibration, deepen her connection to the
Divine Feminine and bring healing and sacredness to her femininity.
Womb Blessings/Healings are offered by Moon Mothers, Theresa Sarin & Laura Maglio These sessions are given by gentle and relaxing hands-on healing sequence given by a trained Moon Mother who focuses the Divine Feminine energy in a series of hand positions on the three main female energy centers (different than the chakra system) and on specific energy points on the female body that relate to the energies of the four female archetypes.Womb Blessings/Healings are for all women, even those who do not have a physical womb or a cycle. These women still have the womb energy center and this center contains their creative energies, feminine spirit and ability to connect through intimacy and emotions. Learn More >


In Japanese, Rei can be interpreted as Spirit and Ki as Life Force/Vital Energy. Thus Rei-Ki is Spirit Energy. Reiki exists everywhere and in everything. WE are Spiritual Energetic Beings. As Reiki Practitioners we honor the divinity in each of us and recognize our connection to each other as brothers and sisters, in the Oneness of the Creator Mother/Father/Divine.

During a Distant Reiki session, we create a bridge of Light that connects the Reiki energy from the Light within our hearts to the Light within the recipient's heart. Reiki travels this energetic Light-Bridge which fills and surrounds the client's etheric body, mind and spirit in a powerful and profound way. To receive a Distant Reiki Session, email us to make your synchronized appointment. This Session requires you to set aside an hour to be in your sacred space, preferably laying down, as we remain in our sacred space performing this complete Reiki session. Our "energetic" Reiki hands will be placed upon you similar to a typical in- person session , except the hand positions are over your "energetic" eyes, ears, head, heart, arms, torso, legs, knees and feet. As usual, both Teri and Laura will be in the session together, as we all meet on the etheric plane in the energy of beautiful light, love, purity and grace. Learn More >



We believe that one of the most effective ways to reduce EMF pollution for your energy field is to have a EMF Clearing Session with Reiki. An

electromagnetic field (EMF) is an area of moving electrical charges. Some EMFs, especially those involving ionizing radiation, can be harmful. For most people, exposure to EMFs occurs on a daily basis, as the fields are virtually everywhere. These electromagnetic fields radiate from devices such as cell phones, televisions, digital clocks, hair-dyers, electric towers and many other electronics. Each session is tailored to the individual. Using Reiki, a pendulum and crystals we clear, cleanse and align all the particles in the aura and body so that they are open and in alignment. Learn More >


Craniosacral Therapy w/ Lisa Klein Groundahl, OTR, CST, LMT a Licensed Occupational Therapist, Massage Therapist and Certified Craniosacral Therapist. Craniosacral therapy, is a gentle and powerful form of bodywork and healing. Craniosacral Therapy involves releasing restrictions in the fascia and connective tissues of the body, which may be contributing to symptoms such as pain. It also releases stress held in the body, such as emotional held tension and anxiety. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a big word and can be misleading. It can sound chiropractic or specific to techniques to treat the cranium and the sacrum. CST is so much more. Craniosacral therapy sets up the body’s self-corrective healing mechanism. It improves not only physical symptoms such as pain, but also affects the nervous system improving focus, balance and harmony within. Learn More >


Available In-Person or Distant. A Spiritual Blessing Connecting You to Your True SelfRe-attuning to the different levels of Reiki is extremely effective in clearing,cleansing and detoxing. Each time one attunes to the energetic levels of Reiki, blocks and stuck behaviors are released on much deeper levels resulting in a boost of vibrational frequency. Re-attuning is also exceptional for those who are on their journey of self improvement, self discovery and spiritual development. Learn More >


First & Third Thursday of the month. We begin our Reiki Circle by listening to a brief guided

visualization/meditation to still the mind and body to release any stresses of the day. In this relaxed state, all present will receive a mini Reiki session in a chair (due to Covid) This peace - filled Circle will bring the embrace of balance and calmness as lights are dimmed and soft music plays in the back ground, Reiki's gentle touch is a spiritual massage that helps the mind, emotions and muscles to relax.As the body and emotions relax the body can return to its own harmonious state of balance.

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We are committed to bringing Light and providing services in celebration of life and with the recognition that each of us is unique and that "one size does not fit all". Religious, blended belief, spiritual, non-religion specific and secular (non-religious) ceremonies offered. Our service is built around your needs, beliefs and choices.

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Replace old or stagnant energy with positive Light Energy! Clearing the energies in your home or business brings abundant blessings, peace, harmony and connection. Learn More >




A Crystal Light Healing Bed is a Spiritual Treatment Device that uses Alternating Colored Light Beams that Radiate through Seven Very Pure Quartz Crystals. These Crystals Light Healing Beds Use Brazilian Clear Vogel Cut Quartz Crystals. Each of the Seven Crystals is Focused at One of the Seven Corresponding Chakras (also known at an "energy center") to Generate Color and Light Therapy in Order to Cleanse, Clear Balance, and Raise the Vibration of Your Chakras.  Learn More >










​Our Mission is to create a space for peace and healing to enhance spiritual and personal growth. We are a Teaching - Learning Center - Sharing Together
© EmbraceLight, Ltd.  "We are each of us Angels with only one wing, and we can fly by Embracing one another"​​​​
©â€‹ Copyright Notice: We request that if you use, copy or excerpt any material that you request permission. Any copied material is to include the following: 

© T.Sarin and L. Maglio   All Rights Reserved"

This web site is for informational purposes only. 

This site offers neither diagnosis nor prescription. Nothing you see, read, or buy here is a substitute for the care of medical professional.

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