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Womb Blessings/Healings are for all women, even those who do not have a physical womb or a cycle. These women still have the womb energy center and this center contains their creative energies, feminine spirit and ability to connect through intimacy and emotions.

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The Womb Blessing/Healing Session is a gift of

deep transformational energy from the Divine Feminine.


‘Moon Mothers’ are women who have been personally initiated from founder,

Miranda Gray, at a Womb Blessing Training Workshop.

This raises them to the high vibrational level required for them to give

the transformative Womb Blessing in person.


 These Womb Blessing begins with a guided meditation, seated in chairs,

as the woman receives an energetic attunement to awaken, reconnect, strengthen,

energize and clear blocks or dormant aspects of her feminine energy centers.

It concludes with drinking blessed water, a grounding snack, as well as copies

and instruction of the Womb Blessing Meditation for continued self integration.

Womb Blessings can be individual or group sessions.


WOMB BLESSING/HEALING  are a way to raise a woman's vibration,

deepen her connection to the Divine Feminine

and bring healing and sacredness to her femininity.


The WOMB HEALING is a hands-on healing, done on a massage table, which helps

to balance the feminine menstrual cycle and archetypes to restore their

energies and release blocks.They can help return the menstrual cycle to balance,

help support women through the change to menopause, and help

menopausal women embrace their new form of femininity.














Our Wombs hold the Light of the Female Spirit.


WOMB BLESSINGS empower women to go through life challenges with

greater wisdom, intuition, love and understanding,

 and to grow in self-acceptance, self-love and empowerment

  to walk a path of love and soul purpose.


Womb Blessings are for all women, even those who do not have a physical womb or a cycle.

These women still have the womb energy center and this center contains their creative energies,

feminine spirit and ability to connect through intimacy and emotions.


The Blessing energy gradually heals the Womb center on all levels -

physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, bringing harmony and balance

within the menstrual cycle and a woman’s life.

As we relax into our female cyclic nature we become less stressed and

our cycle becomes less stressed, helping us to feel more in balance and

in harmony throughout the whole cycle.


Receiving a Womb Blessing from a Moon Mother

can be a healing, a rite of passage, stress relief,

a return to who you are, towards personal growth,

spiritual development and devotion.


The Womb Blessing grounds us strongly in the Earth, connecting us to her

energies and to our feminine soul.  This enables women to feel energized,

empowered and whole. The Womb Blessing also connects us to the

Light of the feminine spirit which some women experience as openness

or expansion of feminine consciousness.


Each Womb Blessing is a powerful gift of healing

and may be given as often as required or desired.


Be gentle and nurturing towards yourself for the month after the Blessing. Rest,

eat healthily and drink plenty of water. Any discomfort will pass and from

it a new transformed woman will grow into the Light.



(More Information below)

by appointment

Womb Healings are offered by Moon Mothers, Theresa Sarin & Laura Maglio 

between the Womb Blessings,

or as a part of a Reiki session, and can be received as often as you like.


Womb Healings can bring feelings of Self-Acceptance,

Empowerment and Completeness


The WOMB HEALING is a hands-on healing, done on a massage table, which helps

to balance the feminine menstrual cycle and archetypes to restore their

energies and release blocks.They can help return the menstrual cycle to balance,

help support women through the change to menopause, and help

menopausal women embrace their new form of femininity.



 Womb Blessings - are offered throughout the year









"Women are like the Moon, we change gradually from day to day.

You never see the whole of the cycle; you can only ever see one phase"


Womb Healings

What is a Womb Healing – female energy balancing?

We live in a hectic world where women are expected to live and work like men. It is no wonder so many of us have menstrual cycles which are unbalanced and stressed, creating challenging physical, emotional and mental experiences.

We all need an oasis of female well-being and restoration at some time in our hectic and busy life!


The Womb Healing – female energy balancing is designed to counteract the effects of modern life by

  • Replenishing depleted archetypal energy centers so we feel whole and comfortable with all aspects of our self.

  • Helping to harmonize the flow from one archetype / phase to the next so we flow gracefully through the changes of our cyclic nature, whether in association with the menstrual cycle or the lunar cycle.

  • Energizing the three main female energy centers, including the womb energy center, bringing feelings of wholeness, stress relief and being centered, safe and empowered within our femininity again.

  • Clearing blocks that restrict our archetypal energies so that we live a richer version of our femininity, accessing the creativity, sexuality, intuition, clarity, wisdom and spirituality that lies in our authentic nature.


It is also ideal to help support peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women as they go through the archetypal energy changes which transform them into the ultimate stage of female life development.

Like the Personal Womb Blessing, the Womb Healing is given in person by an authorized Moon Mother®




The Womb Healing:

is a gentle and relaxing hands-on healing sequence given by a trained Moon Mother who focuses the Divine Feminine energy  in a series of hand positions on the three main female energy centers (different to the chakra system) and on specific energy points on the female body that relate to the energies of the four female archetypes.


Womb Healings can be received:

  •  To help a woman to strengthen, clear and harmonize her cycle energies in order to be able to open more fully

  •  At any time when a woman wishes to restore her energies and well-being.

  •  To restore your female energies and well - being.



A Womb Healing can be received as often as you wish to restore your female energies and well-being.


What are the Differences between a Womb Blessing® attunement and a Womb Healing?

The Womb Healing is supportive and restores your female energies and well-being.




















































What happens in a Womb-Healing – female energy balancing?

You will lie on a couch, comfortable and fully clothed with a blanket covering you.

Your Moon Mother will work through a series of hand positions, specific to the female energy structure and both on and off the body, starting at the head and finishing at the feet.

It is not unusual for the Receiver to go to sleep during the Womb Healing!


At the end you can share your experiences with the Moon Mother.

  • Your Moon Mother may offer you other therapies before or after the Womb Healing, but the integrity of Womb-Blessing technique is maintained to have the most beneficial effect.





Moon Mothers®, Theresa Sarin & Laura Maglio, at the


private sessions.  631.223.2781/






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​Our Mission is to create a space for peace and healing to enhance spiritual and personal growth. We are a Teaching - Learning Center - Sharing Together
© EmbraceLight, Ltd.  "We are each of us Angels with only one wing, and we can fly by Embracing one another"​​​​
©â€‹ Copyright Notice: We request that if you use, copy or excerpt any material that you request permission. Any copied material is to include the following: 

© T.Sarin and L. Maglio   All Rights Reserved"

This web site is for informational purposes only. 

This site offers neither diagnosis nor prescription. Nothing you see, read, or buy here is a substitute for the care of medical professional.

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